New L&I Elevator Program Portal - February 26th On-Line Meeting!
For those unfamiliar, the Washington State Elevator Safety Advisory Committee (aka ESAC) is a group of stakeholders whose purpose is to advise and work with the State of Washington Elevator Program on all matters regarding the elevator industry – THIS INCLUDES WHAT IMPACTS YOU if you have an elevator.
While Washington Elevator attends meetings whenever possible, the State of Washington has advised there is another ESAC public meeting coming up – why should you care? Changes at the State level will directly impact you and at the upcoming ESAC meeting they will be discussing changes to the Annual Inspection Code Report process as follows:
The Conveyance Management Portal (CMP, or Portal) Project Team getting ready training materials in preparation for going live Feb. 26. Here’s what you need to do to get ready:
Watch for training. We will send updated newsletter messages as training is made available – likely later this month. The format will include a series of short videos featuring how to accomplish the most common tasks you need. This will include applying for a permit, renewing annual operating certificates, and printing from the Portal. Besides videos, we will have a series of user guides covering the same topics.
Visit the website. The website,, is your source for all things involving the Portal. It’s on the webpage that we will post:
Training videos
User guides
Upcoming virtual training opportunities
The website also features past newsletters, fact sheets, and an FAQ that will include common questions involved in using the Portal.
Attend the ESAC meeting. Prior to launch, the Elevator Safety Advisory Committee (ESAC) will hold a public, virtual meeting Feb. 18, starting at 8 a.m. with an open discussion. The actual meeting will start at 9 a.m. We’ll send out more information early next month on what we’ll be presenting at the meeting. Go to the webpage,
As we get closer to launch, feel free to send this newsletter to friends in the industry. Suggest they join the Elevator Program’s email list, so they can keep tabs on what’s happening.
Questions? Please contact the Elevator Program at 360-902-6130 or
Help Us Spread the Word! While elevators located specifically within the City of Seattle are not impacted, you may have another building outside the City of Seattle, but within the State, or possibly know of another owner, manager or building representative that does!
Washington Elevator will continue to monitor elevator code and/or enforcement changes for the State of Washington and the City of Seattle. Updates will be provided as soon as they become available. If you are unable to join the upcoming February 18th meeting or if you have any further questions on what this might mean to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Chief Problem Solver Sean.