Seattle Ronald McDonald House Partnership - Serving more than just French fries.

A letter from our General Manager, Sarah Waterman

Sometimes we need a reminder to keep things in perspective. At Washington Elevator, we are committed to serving our community. Chances are, you’ve had McDonald’s French fries, but what you may not know about, beyond their fast food, is their amazing Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC offers families a home with hope when dealing with a child’s illness. Their 97% occupancy rate is not because there is a lack of demand - it’s to allow time for rooms to be prepared for new in-coming families, supporting over 450 families a year.

I was recently serving one morning as a volunteer at the front desk, when I met a young patient waiting in the lobby. He saw my name tag and said “Sarah, do you know I’ve had 5 surgeries for a brain tumor, I can’t see well now with one of my eyes, but I don’t care, I finally get to go to the library!” His excitement was contagious and his gratitude for such a simple experience was humbling.

Shortly thereafter, another young boy came to the front desk. He was wearing a cape & mask, so of course I had to ask him which Superhero he was. Instead of answering me, he asked what the clear, plastic box on the counter was, to which I explained, it’s a donation box to help the Ronald McDonald House. He stood so tall, taller than I expected, lifted his mask, looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I’ll be back with a quarter – I love this place!” He was so grateful for what RMHC does, that despite his challenging situation, he wanted to contribute to it. I never found out which Superhero he was, but he was one to me!

On a separate visit, I had the opportunity to volunteer alongside our WSCAI partner to serve in the kitchen as part of the RMHC Family Meal Program. The program provides families with delicious home-cooked meals to bring a little comfort and less worry so they can focus more on their child.

If you want to help, there is an on-going wish list here and the House always needs pantry goods, household supplies and/or your volunteer time. You can visit their website at for more information.

Sarah Waterman

Sarah has been in the customer service business for over 25 years, first in Property Management, then transitioning into the Elevator industry, where she held the position of General Manager at Seattle's largest, most reputable independent company, followed by Branch Manager & Senior Sales Manager at one of the OEM majors.

However, her shared values & trust with the Founder, Jason, whom she worked with for nearly 10 years in the trade, plus her authentic desire to bring a breath of fresh air into the industry, compelled her to join Washington Elevator as a Partner in July of 2022. Sarah strives to provide a positive customer experience in order to build a long-term partnership.

When she isn't leading the team, she loves spending time with her two amazing teenagers, crabbing on Whidbey Island, but on a good night, her favorite activity is beating her husband in a game of cribbage!


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